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                                             허 선 Sun Hur

                                             TEL / 031-400-5265 FAX / 031-400-5265

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Ph.D. Dissertation

The Effect of Positively Correlated Arrivals on the Single Server Queue


Research Interests

Big data analysis, Data mining, Applied probability-theory and application, Queueing theory



Ph.D. Industrial Engineering, Texas A&M University, U.S.A., 1993.12

M.S. Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea, 1985.2

B.S. Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea, 1983.2



Professor, Dept. of Industrial & Management Engineering, Hanyang University, 1995-present

Guest editor, Special issue in Processes, 2020

Vice president, Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers(대한산업공학회), 2015-2016

Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2010

Advisory board member, Korea Communications Standards Commission(방송통신심위위원회), 2009

Visiting Scholar, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 2003

Area editor, IE Interface, Korean Industrial Engineers Society, 2005-2008

Member of technical advisory group, 서울시 BMS기술자문단, 2004

Area editor, JKIIE, Korean Industrial Engineers Society, 2001-2002

Research Assistant, Texas A&M University, 1990-1994

Senior Researcher, Industry Analysis Division, Samsung Economic Research Institute, Korea, 1986-1990

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 1984-1986

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T: +82-31-400-5260

F: +82-31-400-5265


Suite 537, Engineering B/D 5,Hanyang University

Ansan, KOREA

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